Material Topics Analysis

In 2023, the materiality identification results conducted in 2022 were continued as the basis for information disclosure in the report.

Process to Identify Material Topics

  Step 1. Collect and summarize sustainability issues

The task force of CSR Sustainability Committee refers to the Global Reporting Initiative Standards (GRI Standards), the Responsible Business Alliance’s (RBA) Code of Conduct, the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), the Corporate Governance Indicators of the Taiwan Stock Exchange, and the Company's sustainability goals to aggregate 24 sustainability issues.

  Step 2. Investigation of material issues

The questionnaire was used to quantify the significance of impacts. The survey content are as follows:
1. Material Issues Level of Concern Questionnaire
A survey was conducted to assess the level of concern of 5 key stakeholders on 24 sustainability issues, receiving a total of 158 valid feedbacks.
2. Impact Assessment Questionnaire
Through the impact assessment questionnaire, the CSR Sustainability Committee further evaluated the degree and probability of "actual", "potential", "positive" and "negative" impacts on the external economy, environment, human rights, AES's own operations, as well as the individuals or groups that will (or may) be affected if each topic has a positive or negative impact.

  Step 3. Identification of material topics

After consolidating the survey results, impact assessments were ranked, utilizing the dual materiality principles from the Draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). The X-axis measured the positive impact on company operations, while the Y-axis assessed the positive impact on the economy, environment, and society. A materiality matrix was then plotted to identify 7 material issues, reviewed by the internal sustainability team in alignment with international trends.

  Step 4. Material issue target setting and management

Based on the results identification results, material issue management guidelines and objectives are established and reported to the CSR Sustainability Committee and the Board of Directors. The management policies and objectives for future material issues will undergo annual review. The identification process for material issues will assess execution frequency based on circumstances, to evaluate the extent of positive and negative impacts of these issues. This approach allows the management team to allocate resources effectively and provides stakeholders with a review of operational effectiveness.

Material Topics Matrix

Value Chain Impact Description

O Direct impact ▲Indirect impact


Material topics

Impact on the value chain

Impact on the value chain

Corresponding to GRI












Comply with ESG and product-related laws and regulations to reduce the risk of penalties or impact on reputation



Risk Management



Establish risk management mechanism to minimize the risks that may affect the company's operations



Business Integrity



commit integrity management and implements relevant education, training and management mechanisms


Economic Corporate Governance



Strengthen the functions of the board of directors, and enhances sustainable governance responsibilities 201-1,


Climate Change


Identify climate change risks and opportunities, and implements energy-saving and emission-reduction actions



Green Product

Integrate product life cycle thinking into product design



Occupational Safety and Health


Strengthen OSH management to reduce occupational accidents, occupational diseases, and industrial safety accidents



Material Topics Objectives and Performances


Material Topics

Management Strategy


Performance in 2023


Conformity with the regulations

Regularly collect regulatory trends and review regulatory changes related to operations

Compliance with regulatory requirements, with no occurrence of major violations

Risk Management

The enterprise risk management committee formulates risk control and opportunity countermeasures

1. Release "Risk Management Policies and Procedures"
2. Establish a risk management team
3. Execute enterprise risk assessment questionnaire

Report to the Board of Directors to set up a risk working group to regularly review risks and countermeasures

Business Integrity

1. Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles
2. Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principles
3. Codes of Ethical Conduct

Conduct employee integrity management awareness education training courses

1,327 employees participated in 663.5 hours of anti-corruption education and training

Corporate Governance Strengthen the corporate governance of the BOD and improve performance 1.Participate in corporate governance evaluations
2. Enhance information transparency
1.Ranked in 21% to 35% of the 10th Corporate Governance Evaluation
2.At least one female director
Climate Change Improve energy efficiency and use of renewable energy 1. ISO 14064-1 GHG verification
2. SBTi carbon reduction targets
3. Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
The Simplo Group passed the SBTi target review and joined RE100 initiative

Green Product

1.Design for Product Environment (DfE) 2.Establishment and certification of green product information
2. Establishment and certification of green product information

1. Conduct conflict minerals survey
2. Introduce recycled materials

1.Conflict minerals survey ratio 96%
2.Introduce PCR 30% plastic and recyclable aluminum materials

Occupational Safety and Health Improve OSH management Continuous improve ISO 45001 No major safety accidents

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